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Wise Facebook Status Updates

No matter how hard things get, just keep smiling. It confuses people!

Everybody has gone through something in their life that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were

Avoiding someone has two reasons:
You either hate that person or
You're in love with that person.

Damaged people are dangerous because they already know they can survive


Be Sure To Taste Ur Words.....Before U Spite Them Out !!!

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.

Some People are REAL... some People are GOOD..some People are FAKE..N.. some People are REAL GOOD at being FAKE ...!!!

You can't change the world on your own but, you can change the world that you own..!!


Never assume that s0mEb0dy L0ves Y0u..JuSt C0z oF theiR swEET BeHAvi0R t0wARds y0U...S0metImes y0U aRE juST an 0pti0n WHen they aRE B0rED...

Revenge is seldom noble. Forgiveness is nearly always a sign of weakness. The best thing to do, in most cases, is to simply forget & move on

Fair skin and black money will get you much admiration in this grey world

The worst thing about being lied to is simply knowing you weren't worth the truth

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