Memories are wonderful to make, but sometimes painful to remember.
People say that the bad memories cause the most pain. But actually it's the good ones that drive you insane.. .. !!
There is someone hidden in everyone's memory !
Memories are the best thing to make but worst thing to visit when you're going there alone.
Sometimes, it's not the person you miss, but the feelings & moments you had when you were with them.
When your mood's not good without any reason,
You are definitely missing someone....
Tears don't come wen U miss A person Bt they come wen U don't want to miss a person.
Standing alone on the terrace with cool breez, sky
full of stars and your memories.
Missing someone so much that you re-read old text conversations and smile :)
You have no idea how much your 'I miss you' means to me :')
Remembering is easy for those who have brains. But forgetting is hard for those who have heart.
Memories behave in a crazy way...They leave u alone, when u are in a crowd... & when u are alone, they stand with u like a crowd...