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Broken Heart Facebook Status Updates

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.

I'd like to think I'll be happy again, but I really need to just stop and cry now, and sometimes I wish I could just scream at you, and show you what you do to me.

I tried to hold onto what we had, but you didn't even make an effort. You lied you cheated and left me to cry all alone once again. And when I return looking more beautiful and confident than ever before all I want you to realize is what you had and what you will never have again.

I just wonder how many people never get the one they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to have.


Love is like falling down... in the end you're left hurt, scarred, and with a memory of it forever.

All I'm asking for is one night together. Just you and me. All alone. And if you can honestly say you don't feel anything for me after that night, I will finally let you go.

Every time I see him all cool, calm and collected, I lose my breath, my heart starts pounding, and I am painfully aware that I am not over him and he is over me.

What do you do when the only person who can stop your tears is the one making you cry.


know that he loves you too, and just doesn't want you to know.

I'm the one you're meant for and you're going to come back to me. So sure, break up with me now, but I'm telling you, you'll be back. You'll be back when you realize that you broke up with the one girl who was meant to be with you. But see, the thing is, you just better hope the girl is still there.

The tough thing about following you heart is that people forget to mention that sometimes the heart takes you to places you shouldn't be. Places that are scary as they are exciting and as dangerous as they are alluring. Sometimes your heart cannot take you to places that lead to happy ending. That's not even the difficult part; the difficult part is when you follow your heart, you leave normal; you go into the unknown and once you do you can never go back.

The only thing worse than a broken heart is knowing you'd give him another chance.

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