Mobile Sms, Status Updates and images. Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi and English messages.

Boys Facebook Status Updates

Men are like roses, watch out for all of the pricks.

I feel bad for everyone who isn't dating me :P

When I was a child so many girls wanted to kiss me, and I allowed them but now
I want to kiss so many girls and they dont allow me :( (
selfish girlx :-D :PP

How to Create the Biggest Doubt in your Girlfriend's Mind about you?

Just Suddenly send her SMS Saying..

"I Love you too" .



A boy's eye is faster than Google when searching for a girl in a crowd. ;-)

My girlfriend treats me like GOD !
She takes NO notice of my existence till she wants something :)

Dear facebook
Plz stop suggesting me such beautiful girls...
It realy hurt when I can't add them..! :(
Blocked users :P

Why guys like girls..??

Girls always smell good, even if it's just shampoo :P
The way they sleep on your shoulders ..
The ease with which they fit in to your arms ..
The way they say: "I Miss you"..
The way they fall in to your arms when they cry ..
The way their tears make you want to change the world so that It doesn't hurt Them ..
coz once they come in to your life, whatever they are to the world, they become everything to you ;)


Hey Girls, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me? :p

What does a girls profile pic tells You?

1.If she is very beautiful with 1000's of friends,its fake.

2.Her profile pic has lovely Katrina on it, she is shy , ugly or both.

3.There is a guy in the pic along with her, she is already booked.

4.There are more than one girl in the pic,.... she is most probably the ugliest one.

5.The pic is taken from a side angle of her face.... she is most probably fat.

6.The pic is taken from far away.... Definitely not a fake profile, just try to zoom in with your eye lenses to figure out more of her.

7.The pic is of a baby, cake, heart or any other stupid thing,... Most probably a teen who needs to grow up.

8.A pic with a ugly face.... click the back button as soon as you can before anyone catches you red handed :)

9.A pic with a beautiful face and all profile info hidden,... she is probably the one for you :P... but don't be so excited, she wont accept your friend request.

10.A pic with a guy's face,.... ahem ahem wrong number :P

Dear girls, don't flatter yourself. I sent you a friend request, NOT a marriage proposal.

AccOrding tO a Recent Study ~

Cats: MeOw !!

DOgs: BhOw !!

Ducks: Quack !!

LiOns: ROar !!

Girls: Awwwwwwwwww !!

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