Mobile Sms, Status Updates and images. Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi and English messages.

Attitude Facebook Status Updates

Every girl wants one guy to meet all her needs while every guy wants all the girls to meet his one need.

i m back. by popular demand!

When I'm bored, nobody texts me, but when I'm busy, my phone blows up.

Don't quack like a duck.. soar like an eagle.


Eat eat and eat,,,but don't eat my brain.

Two words guys hate,,, don't and stop,,,unless you put them together.

I'm not a player,,,,I'm the game.

Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off


Nothing is quite so annoying as to have someone go right on talking when you're interrupting!

I'm not evil! I'm just misunderstood.

I m such a thrill seeker, when I see a "Caution, Wet Floor" ,,,sign, I walk faster.

I wanted to kill the sexiest person alive,,,,But suicide's a crime

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